Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wynn, You're a Braver Soul Than I, and I Love You

So I promised I would leave the messy parts of the toilet repair for this post.  You may skip it if you wish, but keep in mind this is a cautionary tale about... toilet paper.

The title says it all really.  She is braver than I am; much, much braver.  I'm squeamish and I have an embarrassing phobia of spiders, but I digress.

Okay back to the mess and the dangers of heavy ply toilet paper.  If you're an RVer you know that there special brands of toilet paper just for RVs and boats and eco friendly chemicals to dump down your toilet to make the waste breakdown more efficient.  You might be thinking that this is a way for these companies to make money off of you.  It's not, trust me, use the RV toilet paper and the eco friendly chemicals, you'll thank me later.

So we took the toilet off to put on the new part.  And yes, out of courtesy and decorum we emptied the black water tank before removing the toilet.  Well we thought we had emptied it.  Surprise!  Nothing is ever quite what it seems.

From what we could tell, since we were using the appropriate chemicals and toilet papers, the previous owner's son had not been.  That fact alone makes this tale much, much worse.  Once the toilet was off we could see into the black water tank and we could see that there was a problem, a big clogged up nasty problem.  Apparently when we thought we had been draining the tank during the previous month or so only the liquid waste had been draining out.

We had to do something and no one involved wanted to do what had to be done.  My father's hand and forearm were too big.  I was trying not to vomit from just the idea of what must be done.  So it fell to Wynn, the love of my life and my hero to do the deed.

From what I could tell from carrying the trash bags to the dumpster afterwards, it was the least I could do.  She must have pulled out TEN pounds of toilet paper from inside the black water tank to clear the clog and yes if you're thinking she was up to her shoulder in it, she was.

Wynn I love you and to this day, I'm sorry you had to do that and I thank you because I couldn't have done it in your stead.

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