Friday, July 30, 2010

The Brothers

So we made it through the summer with the sort of working air conditioner and we made it through the meth lab incident and the shady neighbors.  So on to fall and the changes that always come with the falling leaves.  New rental neighbors, just what I always wanted.  I awoke one afternoon to voices outside my open window.  Something was being said about the rental trailer next door looking like a "new beginning".  Okay there are plenty of great reasons for this, maybe someone just got out of a bad relationship, maybe someone's sister just left her abusive husband, maybe someone just got out of prison for a nonviolent crime.  I'm the first person to say that we lock too many people up in this country and mandatory minimums are unjust and unfair.

So my new neighbors moved in, two brothers, the third brother also lived here but in another part of the park with his wife.  His wife had rented the trailer for his brothers to move into after they got out of prison.  Alright fine, I can live with that.  They were nice enough, the older brother drank twenty four hours a day but he seemed harmless and the younger one seemed to be a nice guy just trying to get back on his feet.

I went to do some laundry one afternoon and was stopped by one one of my female neighbors up at the office.  She had asked if I lived in the Airstream next to the two brothers.  Yeah I sure did and they seemed nice enough.  She then proceeded to tell me that one of them, had stopped her at the dumpster to tell her that he had just gotten out of prison and had been watching her for weeks.  Oh great, two women living next to a man that stalks women and who just got out of prison for who knows what.  I had just assumed it was a drug charge or a DUI, could I have been wrong?  So Wynn decided to call the office and the office security decided to tell the brothers that their neighbors had called about the threats made to one of the other neighbors.  Nice confidentiality there security guy.

Eventually the older brother moved out so that the younger brother could move in his "Old Lady", classy.  She was very nice and so was the younger brother.  They eventually moved not long after winter thawed to spring and I didn't give it much though.

A few weeks later I noticed that the office kept moving the trailer out and back in to the slot next to us.  So I happened to be talking to our neighbor the Harley mechanic and his wife and found out that it was a roach trailer.  Yay!  Just what I always wanted, happy spring to me.

After that I was reading the news paper at the end of my shift waiting on my relief to show and noticed a mug shot of a beat up man.  You guessed it, the nice younger brother had been arrested for assault.  I'd hate to know what the other guy looked like.

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