Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sorry, I Can't Hear a Damned Thing!

Spring melts quickly into summer in Oklahoma and living in an Airstream is like living in a beer can.  When it's cold inside the shiny aluminum skin even sweats like one.  Also if it's over 75F outside it's around 90F inside.  It's not really a problem RV air conditioners will freeze you out.  In fact I'm freezing right now under a blanket and the current temperature is almost 90F outside after dark.  Though that might be attributed to the fact that the air conditioner is almost directly above me in the bunk. I'm sure Wynn who is in the living room would tell you that she's still a bit warm but I haven't asked her.

The problem with RV air conditioners is that even though they are very good at what they do, they are also quite loud.  The older they are the louder they are.  Our air conditioner during our first summer was original to the Airstream so it was approximately 37 years old.  We live near an airport and when I say it sounded like an airplane taking off I'm not kidding.  It was cool though because it ran on a thermostat like the air condition in a house and would kick off once it got to a certain temperature, though it sometimes had trouble kicking back on.

That should have been our first sign that it was on it's last leg and it was but we couldn't afford to do anything about it at the time, so we babied it as best we could and prayed to the air conditioning gods that it would just make through the summer.  Which it did, sort of.  Let's just say the air conditioner that is freezing me out right now is not the same one that came with our Airstream, but that's another story.

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