Thursday, July 29, 2010

Propane Pain

Let's count how many things run off of propane in our Airstream, ready?
1. Furnace
2. Refrigerator
3. Oven (Yes it has a Magic Chef oven that makes wonderful cookies.)
4. Stove
5. Nope just kidding no hot water heater.

So you can imagine how much propane you can actually go through during the winter.  It's inevitable that you eventually have to stop using certain appliances like the stove and the oven.  I mean it's cold, really cold in the winter and you need the furnace and you've got to have food so you have to run the refrigerator.  It's not so much about the cost of the propane it's more about how quickly it's used up and how often the refrigerator defrosts without warning (there's no way to really tell when you're out of propane on this model).

So some concessions have to be made.  There is a microwave so we use that a lot but in addition to that we have been using a hot plate and a toaster oven for more home cooked meals, it works and it's not as bad as you think.  I love summers because 90% of the cooking is done on the Smoker (BBQ or Grill for you non southerners).  We can go to the farmer's market and Whole Foods once a week and really eat quite well.  I say once a week due to the fact that there is limited freezer and fridge space even though we have a small dorm sized freezer to supplement the Dometic freezer/ fridge that came standard on these in the 70s.

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