Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rear Window

The window in the bunk gives me a perfect view of the neighbors.  It was a lot more entertaining when it was a rental slot, but also quite unsettling.  Our first rent-a-neighbor was a middle aged hard partying couple and a kid that didn't seem to be theirs but did seem to be underage.  They had people over at all hours and it made it difficult to sleep during the day.  I work third shift so sleeping during the day is essential.  The couple looked like they had started partying at a Van Halen concert and forgotten to stop.

They were loud and they fought a lot with each other and their guests.  Towards the end of their stay we were convinced that they were making meth.  It wouldn't have been their first time in this RV park.  I remember one cold fall night they had their heater screaming at full blast and their windows and roof vents open.  I'm not sure why they would need so much ventilation if they weren't cooking.  When I say cooking I'm not talking about dinner.

They left quickly the next morning.

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