Friday, July 30, 2010


There are cats everywhere at our park.  I've never seen so many cats in one place.  Apparently just before we moved the tent camper here there had been a crazy cat lady living in our original spot.  She was an older woman and from what we could tell she had started to deteriorate mentally at some point while staying here.  From what I could gather she had about seventy cats living in a very small RV.  These weren't your well manicured Fancy Feast eating cats either.  These were your mangy feral type cats that would do anything to survive.  They had somehow worn holes through the floor of the trailer and would come and go as they pleased.  None of them were spayed or neutered so they multiplied exponentially.  So eventually animal control and the police department were called out to remove this poor soul and her cats.  The cats did not go quietly.  Sure they were able to catch some of them, but the rest escaped into the wooded area a few feet away.

In the aftermath we have roaming cats everywhere.  Things are better than they were two years ago however they are still there and sometimes you can hear them fighting in the woods.  The biggest sign that they are thriving is that each time I go to the shower house there is a new kitten that someone has rescued.  Let me put that into perspective for you.  Two years ago there was one shower house cat, now there are five.

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